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Car Accident Injuries
Car accident injuries can be very serious. Some injuries are apparent such as bleeding and broken bones, but there are many injuries that are not so obvious. This is why it is essential to seek medical treatment within 14 days of automobile injuries. Even if you feel unharmed, it's always important to get checked right away in order to prevent any additional injury following the accident. Car accidents differ from person to person as well as the degree of the accident. There are various common injuries that can happen in car crashes but it is always recommended that medical attention is given in order to have a complete diagnosis of the injury.
Head and back injuries are serious injuries that are often a result of car accidents. Often times, drivers who were in a high-speed impact collision can hit their heads on the steering wheel, the dashboard, or the windows. This can cause internal bleeding as well as concussions that range from mild to severe. There are some cases where the head injury is so severe that it can cause cognitive problems with the driver, as well as the passengers if they hit their head on these surfaces. Side effects of serious head injuries can include skull fractures, hearing loss, and vision problems among other things. Back injuries resulting in spinal damage or neck dislocation are also one of the possible injuries from car accidents. Patients who experience this during an auto accident can lose sensation in their arms, hands, legs, feet, and even other body parts. Serious trauma to the spinal area can result in being paralyzed either for a short time or long term. Medical treatment and long-term care is needed in order to recover and this is where Accident Rehabilitation Center of Palmetto is able to help.
Whiplash is one of the most common car accident injuries. This is the sudden movement of the neck and the head that is usually results from a rear-end collision. This can cause serious neck muscle and ligament damage. The impact of the collision affects how severe the injury is, and this can vary from one person to another. The person’s overall health can greatly contribute to how they will be affected by a car accident. Anyone who has been in a similar type of accident can expect swelling in the neck area paired with overall pain. Vocal cord paralysis can also be expected when a person experiences whiplash, and a thorough examination can give the patient proper care and assistance.
Emotional trauma is also a part of automobile injuries that is not usually recognized immediately. This is one of the most severe impacts after a car accident and should be treated accordingly. Emotional scars do not have a timeline and can be carried by those who were involved in an accident. Counseling is essential for emotional trauma such as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD) as it helps the patients deal with their emotions and fear that surrounds them after being in a car accident. It is common to have PTSD disorder after an accident, but it varies from person to person.
Chiropractic Care
One of the best ways to treat automobile accident injuries is through chiropractic care. With the vast numbers of car accidents happening each year, there are bound to be victims who acquire long term injuries or disabilities. Chiropractic care can correct misalignments in the spinal area and help patients return to their previous state. This is also a wonderful way to recover from the injuries without having to depend on dangerous and potentially addictive painkillers for the pain. There are doctors available who will advise taking medicines for removing the pain, but chiropractic adjustments offer something that is natural and free of any type of medicine.
The pain resulting from car accidents might not always be felt right away so it is essential that victims are checked thoroughly so that they may know what their next steps should be when it comes to the healing process. Certain injuries are not always apparent and there are some that will not surface right away. An example of this is whiplash, which will not show symptoms right away. It takes around 24-48 hours for whiplash symptoms to appear and when they do appear, most people do not think that it is related to the car accident. Seeing chiropractors right after the crash will be able to help victims from experiencing any pain in the future, and any misalignment in the neck and spine area can be corrected immediately so that the injury does not worsen.
Sore muscles and joints are some of the effects of a car accident. This can significantly affect mobility and movement that is necessary for everyday life. Stiffness in the muscles also makes it impossible to be able to drive again or do usual errands. Chiropractors have the training to be able to relieve patients of their pain. It is suggested that chiropractors are visited right away so that scars in the tissue can be prevented. Through the help of chiropractors, increased blood flow and healing of the injured area can be achieved right away. Muscles, tendons, and joints that have been damaged should be aligned right away otherwise the body will create scar tissue. This is painful and uncomfortable for the patient especially in the areas of the neck and back. Chiropractors can focus on breaking up the scar tissue and stretching the joint so that it will not cause any further pain. It is necessary that car accident victims have injuries treated right away, as even minor injuries can become major ones if left untreated for a long time. Anyone who has been in a car accident is susceptible to re-injury as the muscle and the joints are weakened. Make sure that long term pain is avoided by getting checked by a chiropractor so that they will be able to help in preventing chronic pain in the future.
Physiotherapy after a car accident is more than just important. It is absolutely necessary. The aftereffects of a car accident are both mentally and physically challenging for the victims. It might be easy to dismiss any pains or discomfort felt after a car accident, but if these are not given proper attention immediately, it can result in more significant health issues or major injuries in the future. It is important to seek medical attention from the top physiotherapy available in Florida, and the Accident Rehabilitation Center of Palmetto can assist anyone with their concerns.
Whiplash or soft tissue injuries cause damage to the body’s ligaments, muscles, and tendons. These can turn into something serious if they are not treated right away. Consult a physiotherapist right after an accident so that they will be able to give an assessment to the damage retained from it. Untreated minor issues can eventually turn into a major health issue, so the help of physiotherapists is important. Physiotherapy can help relieve pain in the muscles and joints. It can also assist in managing pain and inflammation in areas that were affected by the accident. Joints are exercised in a gentle, but firm way. Repetitive movements offer pain relief and help in increasing the mobility of the patient. This will also improve the circulation of the blood, which is important in the recovery phase. Stiffness in the neck area and other joints are typical symptoms of whiplash so being able to stretch those areas will prevent any further stiffness.
Muscles that have been weakened by the accident can regain strength by exercise and physiotherapy. The neck, the back, and the shoulder area should be given special attention, especially if this is where most of the pain is located. These areas can be strengthened throughout the recovery process if physiotherapy is implemented. Working on the areas of the knees and the legs can give patients a faster recovery time and regain their mobility without any discomfort or pain. Stretches and therapy will practice the affected joints and gradually return the flexibility that was lost after the accident.
Surviving a car accident is difficult, and people react differently to it. Some seem to be fine afterward but others still have the memories etched in their memory. Feelings of fear, embarrassment, hopelessness, and irritation are all normal feelings experienced by survivors. Physiotherapy gives the patients a chance to be able to focus on something positive such as the recovery process. Seeing progress as well as feeling relief from the pain can significantly boost someone’s morale. Seeing results right away and knowing that the accident is not what defines them can help in the recovery process of any patient. Physiotherapy is more than just physical, as it can also very much affect the emotional and mental state of the patients. Knowing that they have support and people with them who will assist them through the hard times is a beautiful feeling for anyone, especially for those who have experienced the trauma of a car accident.
Massage Therapy
The head area is especially susceptible to injuries during a car accident. Rear-end collisions can cause whiplash: a sudden movement of the neck and head area, which causes pain, dizziness, migraines, and blurred vision among other symptoms. The pain can become uncomfortable for extended periods of time, and it can be hard to get back to typical daily activities. This is why massage therapy is highly recommended for those who are suffering from both minor and major injuries sustained from vehicular accidents. Recovery will not only be quicker, but it will also be smoother for our patients. Pain relief is one of the main things that car accident victims look for, and this can be offered by massage therapy, which is a healthier alternative to prescription pain relievers.
A concussion is possible after during car accident, and with massage therapy, patients can experience relief from their concussion pain. Removing the primary cause of pain will help patients to focus more and be on the road to recovery. Massaging the neck and shoulder area can help patients to relax and feel comfort after being in constant pain. Massage therapy is entirely safe for patients who were in car accidents. It will not make the injuries worse but instead speed up the recovery time and give comfort to those who cannot have not yet regained full range of motion. Not only will blood pressure, respiration, and pulse rate improve with massage therapy, but it can also help in managing stress after the accident. Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder is a severe problem for those involved in car accidents. Massage helps the patients relax and get their minds off the trauma that they have recently experienced. Massage therapy can also help patients in breathing and focusing, which are simple tasks that are often affected by injuries sustained to the head.
Although the head and the neck area are usually the parts of the body that will be affected by a car accident, the rest of the body is still susceptible to injuries. Massage therapy can significantly help the knees and the leg area to recover faster. Within a few months, patients can start walking with ease and can possibly partake in strenuous physical activities. Activities such as running, driving, and biking can be possible when massage therapy is introduced. It is always important to consult with a doctor or physician before adding a new kind of therapy to any recovery process, but massage therapy can provide relief and can act as a method of relaxation for patients without having to take any expensive and potentially addictive medication.
Physical Therapy
There are over six million car accidents that occur in the US each year and almost half of these car accidents are caused by rear-end collisions. When this happens, the driver and the passengers inside the car tend to have whiplash after the accident. Whiplash is the sudden movement of the head and the neck area that causes pain and discomfort to those who were inside the vehicle. The severity of the injury will vary from person to person depending on the position they were in inside the vehicle. Symptoms can include pain and stiffness in the neck, head, and shoulders. Migraines and headaches are also symptoms of whiplash as well as dizziness and fatigue. These symptoms do not always show right away and for some, it might take up to 48 hours before they appear. Blurred vision and difficulty hearing are major symptoms of whiplash and once someone who has been in a car accident experiences these feelings, they should be checked right away. Medical attention is necessary right after the accident as there can be serious problems that might develop if left untreated. If left untreated, patients can experience chronic pain, decreased mobility, as well as Post Traumatic Stress Disorder. Physical therapy is often necessary for patients with whiplash.
Most patients do not realize how badly they have been affected by the car accident until they resume their daily activities. There will be difficulty and slowness that can be experienced after a car accident, and this is something to be expected. Physical therapy is an important aspect of the recovery process as it can speed up the time that it takes for a patient to regain their health. Headaches, migraines, dizziness, and blurred vision are common symptoms. Participating in physical therapy can help car accident victims learn more about their bodies as well as increase their strength and improve their flexibility. Pain can be kept at bay with physical therapy and will make recovery easier as the patient eases back into their normal schedule.
Physical therapy is not only helpful for easing the pain, but it can also prevent long term damage to muscles and joints that were affected by the accident. Injuries should be addressed immediately so that the body does not have the time create scar tissue around the injured muscle or joint, which is exceptionally painful and uncomfortable to the patient. Resting is one of the ways that a body can recover, but with the right amount of physical therapy, patients can recover quickly from their injuries. Those who do not have the injuries addressed right away will be more likely to suffer from severe pain and other injuries in the future.
Whiplash Injury Treatment
Perhaps the most common injury after minor motor vehicle accidents is Whiplash. Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by a rapid back-and-forth movement of the neck, resembling the movement of a whip; hence the name Whiplash. Whiplash symptoms are usually developed between 24-48 hours.
Whiplash can be extremely uncomfortable and inhibit your ability to complete everyday activities. Symptoms can manifest in many ways. The most common symptoms include pain and stiffness, lessened range of motion, headaches, tingling or numbness, pain and tenderness in the neck and shoulders, fatigue and dizziness. Other more serious symptoms include changes in vision and memory loss.
After a motor vehicle accident, whether you were the driver or passenger, in a private car or public transportation, everyone in the vehicle is susceptible to Whiplash. After a minor crash, it is important to seek medical attention to check for any injuries. Especially since Whiplash symptoms usually do not manifest until the days after the accident, it is best to seek a professional’s assistance. Catching Whiplash early and treating immediately can mean the difference between minor irritation symptoms, and debilitating symptoms.
The Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto specializes in the treatment of Whiplash. There are several ways to test for Whiplash. X-rays, computerized tomography (CT scan), or magnetic resonance imaging (MRI) are used to rule out other injuries to the neck and back that might be causing similar symptoms. If no other injuries are shown, it is most likely Whiplash. When the diagnosis is confirmed, the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto offers the most successful treatments for Whiplash. Treatments include heat, physical therapy, and chiropractics.
The application of heat can loosen the tension in the muscles in your neck, which may become stiff and painful with Whiplash. Physical therapy employs repetitive exercises tailored to each patient, often centered around regaining full range of motion in the neck. Chiropractors have been found to be especially helpful for Whiplash. The chiropractor will work the muscles and bone in the neck to reduce inflammation that may be causing pain and/or stiffness. They may also use stretching techniques for the muscles so that they become loosened, relieving pain. Gentle spine manipulation can be a crucial step in quickening the recovery process without harmful medications.
The application of heat can loosen the tension in the muscles in your neck, which may become stiff and painful with Whiplash. Physical therapy employs repetitive exercises tailored to each patient, often centered around regaining full range of motion in the neck. Chiropractors have been found to be especially helpful for Whiplash. The chiropractor will work the muscles and bone in the neck to reduce inflammation that may be causing pain and/or stiffness. They may also use stretching techniques for the muscles so that they become loosened, relieving pain. Gentle spine manipulation can be a crucial step in quickening the recovery process without harmful medications.
Chiropractors have several techniques they use when treating Whiplash, all of which can be done by a chiropractor at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto. Flexion-distraction, instrument-assisted manipulation, and specific spinal manipulation are common techniques that can quicken the recovery process for Whiplash, and help return patients to their everyday activities quickly.
Whiplash can be extremely uncomfortable for minor cases, and can be debilitating for more severe cases. After the trauma of an accident, getting back to your daily life can already be difficult, but with the combination of Whiplash the recovery can be ever more difficult. However, the dedicated staff at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto is ready to help you on your journey back to perfect health. For a speedy recovery with friendly and well-trained staff, schedule an appoint today.
Spinal and Postural Screenings
In a motor vehicle accident, the two parts of the human body most susceptible to damage are the head and the spine. Unfortunately, these two areas are perhaps the most delicate. After an accident, having these areas screened are extremely important for your recovery. The Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto offers spinal and postural screenings to assess your spine, and make recovery suggestions that are tailored to you and your body.
Early assessment is crucial for your recovery. Immediately after a car accident, you may be filled with adrenaline and panic, and it might be 24-48 hours for effects to manifest. Whether you feel pain or stiffness right away or not, it is important to see professionals like those at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto. Through trained professionals, spinal and postural screenings can detect early spinal damage such as misalignment and inflammation. With early detection, treatment can begin right away and minimize your recovery time.
There are several methods for spinal and postural screenings. These assessments gage your spinal and muscular health, such as musculoskeletal problems in your joints and soft tissue. The tests include spinal range of motion and palpation of muscles. Both techniques are non-invasive and relatively pain-free methods of detecting spinal and postural problems.
Spinal range of motion is tested by thoraco-lumbar spine rotation, which is moving your back and neck, testing how far one can move without discomfort. Palpation of muscles is a common practice among chiropractors that lets the chiropractor feel with their hands any issues in the muscle and tissue around the spine. Palpation is done in two ways: static and motion. In static palpation, the patient remains still while the trained professional palpates, or examines with touch, the spinal area and checks for misalignment, protruding disks, pain and inflammation, or misaligned vertebrae. Motion palpation happens when the patient mobilizes their muscles and joints, and the chiropractor uses his or her trained eye to recognize stiffness and pain, flexibility, and reflexes. Palpation is a continual method to not only assess the initial injury, but to assess the progress of recovery.
Postural screening is a method used to detect any injuries that may have misaligned your spine in an accident. It is also used to detect spinal deformities such as scoliosis (curvature of the spine) and kyphosis (also known as hunchback). Postural screenings are done by observing the patient in different positions, such as standing straight up, leaning over, and leaning to the side. Certain signs that are being looked for include whether the patient leans more to one side, if their head leans to one side, accentuated roundness or arching in the back, uneven shoulders, symmetrical hips, and symmetrical waistline.
Proper screening and diagnosis is critical when it comes to spinal injury, not matter how minor. Untreated injuries to the spine can persist for long durations, or even worsen over time. However, if you are assessed quickly after the accident, you can immediately receive the proper treatment tailored to your specific injury. At the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto, you can receive the crucial spinal and postural screens by experts in the field, who can help you recover and return to your daily lives quickly, and healthily.
Common Car Accident Treatment
Many people underestimate the aftermath of a minor car accident. Fender benders, low-speed clips of the edge of the car, backing up into a telephone pole, or slamming on the breaks too hard seem like minor accidents that we can walk away from completely unscathed. However, the professionals at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto understand that minor car accidents are not always so minor. A victim may walk away with no exterior signs of trauma, and even if you walk away with not so much as a scratch, there might be more going on underneath the surface. Minor accidents are responsible for many common injuries that can leave you in pain, and unable to complete the activities you do on a daily basis.
The most common car accident injuries from a minor accident include neck injuries, leg and knee injuries, broken bones, and back injuries. All of these injuries can be treated at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto.
Neck injuries after minor car accidents usually consist of Whiplash, misaligned vertebrae, and inflammation. These injuries can be assessed and treated at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto through chiropractics, massages, and physical therapy. These techniques done by trained professionals will help you regain range of motion and naturally reduce pain, irritation, and stiffness that can prevent you from completing your everyday activities.
Leg and knee injuries can vary in severity. They are usually caused by the front end of the car, the passenger, or driver’s side of the car being smashed. Serious tears and dislocations should be immediately brought to the attention of a doctor, however minor leg and knee injuries, as well as healing serious leg and knee injuries can be treated at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto. Usually, these areas are prone to dislocation, bruising and swelling, and muscle inflammation. Through massage therapy and physical therapy, these injuries can be treated until you return back to full health.
Broken bones are a common injury in minor car accidents, and should be immediately treated at the emergency room, however unlike popular belief, you are not completely cured when the cast comes off. Often times, muscle and range of motion are lost after periods of immobility, and the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto can help you regain your muscle and range of motion, as well as assist with pain management throughout your recovery process.
Back injuries can be particularly debilitating. Serious injuries should be brought to the emergency room, however minor injuries can be treated at Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto. Serious injuries may include broken spinal columns; however, it is important not to underestimate minor injuries to the back and spine. Misaligned vertebrae, muscle inflammation and tenderness, slipped discs and more can be extremely painful and prevent you from completing everyday activities such as work, or household chores such as laundry. In some circumstances, your ability to sit and stand for extended periods of time is also affected. Through chiropractics, massage therapy, and physical therapy your back injuries can be treated promptly and effectively at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto.
Herniated Disc Treatment
After minor accidents, there can be injury to the back and spinal area. Injuries include spinal misalignment, Whiplash, inflammation, bruising, herniated disc, among other injuries. Herniated discs in particular are an extremely painful response to a rupture in the cushion-like material, a disc, that lay between vertebrae. Herniation simply means displaced or protruding. The Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto specializes in safe and rapid treatment of herniated discs.
What exactly is a herniated disc? A common way to describe a disc is like a jelly cushion that is in between each spinal vertebra. This “cushion” acts as lubrication and absorbs impact. Herniated discs happen when force dislocates or ruptures this cushion. Certain areas of the spinal column are more susceptible to a herniated disk, such as between the fourth and fifth lumbar vertebrae, because this particular section is subjected to the most amount of pressure in daily activity.
Discs deteriorate over time, especially those who have jobs that require often and heavy lifting. When a car accident occurs, those already susceptible to a herniated disc are likely to have them happen easily.
Herniated discs can be identified by several uncomfortable symptoms, usually after an accident with high force to the back and spine. Severity of a herniated disc varies, however commonly, patients report leg pain, nerve pain, varied location of symptoms, neurological symptoms, foot drop, and pain that worsens with movement. It is important to note that the spinal cord is a highway for nerves, and injury to the spinal cord as well as area around the spinal cord can manifest symptoms all over the body,
Herniated disc symptoms usually are quick onset, meaning that happen relatively quickly after the injury. Depending on the severity, a herniated disc can leave you bedridden. However, they are treatable in many ways. The Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto offers many treatments for herniated discs, and the quicker you make an appointment, the quicker the path to recovery.
Herniated discs can often be detected by MRI scans. Treatment for herniated discs include physical therapy and chiropractic care. Physical therapy and chiropractic care can help identify the problem areas, for example range of motion, and help improve it over time as well as pain management.
When herniated discs are evaluated and treated immediately, the recovery process can usually be handled with physical therapy and chiropractic care. The pain can be managed quickly, and your recovery process can be quickened. A herniated disc can leave you incapacitated in severe cases, and if left untreated the pain can worsen. Untreated herniated discs that worsen may surpass the option to be treated with therapies, and may require more invasive procedures such as injections and surgeries.
For certified and professional treatment of herniated discs, contact the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto. Prompt and personal treatment of a herniated disc can minimize pain and minimize the recovery process. If the herniated disc is left untreated, you can face unbearable pain that will leave you struggling to complete activities you may have taken for granted before such as driving or lifting a laundry basket. To return quickly to you everyday activities, contact the office today.
Car Accident Personal Injury
Getting in a car accident, whether it is minor or major, can be a traumatic experience. Often, car accident victims report feeling afraid to get behind the wheel again. In more severe cases, they have nightmares of the incident and lose sleep. From a small rear-end collision in a parking lot, to getting hit by someone who disregarded a stop sign, all motor vehicle accidents are serious and traumatic experiences. To make matters worse, accidents sometimes result in personal injury. Having gone through a traumatic experience, and then dealing with the physical aftermath can be extremely frustrating, however the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto is home of trained professionals that can help you recover from your injuries, work through the traumatic experience, and return you to your everyday lives.
Minor car accidents often result in similar personal injuries. Whiplash, herniated discs, and broken bones are among these injuries. All of these categories can be treated by expert staff at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto.
It is extremely important to seek medical attention immediately after a car accident, no matter how minor. Often times, symptoms of injury do not always show up immediately. Unlike more obvious injuries, such as broken bones, Whiplash and herniated discs do not always strike immediately the moment it happens. For this reason, it is even more pertinent that you seek medical attention. Although the symptoms do not manifest immediately, the injury still exists, and the longer it is left untreated the worse it will be in the future.
Whiplash is an injury to the neck caused by a rapid back-and-forth movement, common in most car accidents. Symptoms will usually arise within 24-48 hours of the injury, however sometimes it will take even longer. The most common symptoms include decreased range of motion, pain and stiffness of the neck and shoulders, headaches, tingling or numbness, and in more severe cases, vision disruption and memory loss. Treatment for Whiplash is physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractics which can all be found at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto.
Herniated discs happen when the cushioning between your spinal vertebra is dislodged or ruptured. Herniated discs can result in extreme pain, numbness or complete loss of feeling. Herniated discs can be treated with physical therapy as well as chiropractics, which have been found to be a fantastic alternative to harmful pain medications. If a herniated disc is monitored and treated quickly, physical therapy and a chiropractor will do wonders. However, if you are suffering from a herniated disc, it is important to make an appointment as soon as possible. The longer a herniated disc is left untreated, the more difficult it is to treat.
Broken bones should initially be treated at the emergency room. However, after you’ve spent the allotted amount of time in a cast, most people believe once the cast comes off you are at the end of the road. However, contrary to popular belief, this is not the case. After months of immobility of the limb, you start to lose muscle tone, and your range of motion is hindered. Luckily, this can be treated at the Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto through physical therapy, massage therapy, and chiropractics.
The Accident Rehab Center of Palmetto is equipped with the well-trained staff to handle all of your minor accident personal injuries.